Nightmare Pong.
This is the space where I outline my ideas for a game I'm calling Nightmare Pong.
I saved these ideas to a flashdrive but I lost that flashdrive so no more of that.
Nightmare pong traits:
- Sometimes the angular sensitivity or whatever of the paddle and the ball gets a lot higher.
- Sometimes the ball moves alot faster horizontally.
- Sometimes the input changes from mouse to keyboard and/or scrollwheel.
- When the game gets more difficult, controlling the paddle's up and down may become controlled by random keys on the keyboard.
- Holding down keyboard press may only provide initial speed, then slow down, forcing the player to press the button more rapidly.
- Sometimes the player's paddle get shorter.
- Sometimes the opposing paddle moves slower but the AI for it gets alot better.
- Sometimes the controls for the paddle reverse
- Sometimes the opposing and player paddle switch.
- Sometimes nothing happens.
- Sometimes illusory balls appear from the impact point of the opposing paddle that are only slightly darker and more gray than the white ball.
- Sometimes there is temporarily another ball that moves at a different horizontal speed.
- The ball could become smaller or bigger
- The speed of the game itself may sometimes change.
- The background may sometimes not refresh